When watering your garden becomes too much work, opting for a smart watering system can help you stay on track. One of the most innovative set-it-and-forget-it smart product options is also one of the easiest ways to save time and money. In today's ever-changing climate, it's important to consider how technology can help save our resources for future generations.
Unlike traditional irrigation controllers that operate on a preset programmed schedule and timers, wifi garden watering system monitor weather, soil conditions, evaporation and plant water use to automatically adjust the watering schedule to actual conditions of the site.
Typical Residential smart Watering System

System Consist of:
● Wifi smart sprinkler controller
● Wired/Wireless Rain senso
● Soil Moisture/Temp sensor
● Wifi Signal Extender
● Drip/Micro Irrigation kits as need
● Solenoid Valve
Weather-based smart irrigation controllers can:
● Monitor meteorological data from the internet
● Conduct on-site measurements of temperature, wind, solar radiation and humidity
Soil moisture sensors buried in the root zones of lawns, trees and shrubs can:
● Accurately assess moisture levels in the soil
● Transmit this information directly to the controller
As seasons and temperatures change or when rain falls, smart irrigation control can take into consideration site-specific variables such as:
Soil type, using feedback from sensors to suspend irrigation when there's enough moisture in the soil.The system can then deliver on-demand irrigation within set times when soil moisture levels fall too low.
How to choose a smart home garden watering system?
Before investing in a smart garden irrigation system for your home to keep a few things in mind:
● It's helpful to think about your landscaping and what type of irrigation you want to use.
● Think about how many different zones you have and the different plant needs. For example, your lettuce will be in a different zone than your potatoes. Each plant type will need different watering conditions.
● Consider your soil type. Soils such as clay will have a larger surface area, allowing the soil to hold more water. Soils with larger sand particles will experience more water runoff. Also, different soil types require different amounts of watering in conjunction with your plant types. For example, succulents are grown in different soil than herbs like basil.
Once you understand your watering needs, it will be easier to choose the right smart irrigation system for you.
Post time: Sep-21-2023